Generate organizations

Before we go ahead creating either a local or multi-machine network, we have to first create individual scripts for each organization. To do this easily, we have created a script called which copies the material from the ./fabric-template folder and parametrizes it according to each organization.

Make sure you are present in the root directory of the repository:

└── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/fabric-template
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/
        ├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/
        └── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/

The command to create organization material can be run as:


After running the above command, all organization directories should be created inside the ./generated-orgs directory:

└── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net
├── ./blockchain-common-fabric-net/generated-orgs

As an example we generate an organization called the MMS:

$ ./ MMS 1 7040

Therefore you should have created the ./MMS directory along with the organization scripts that looks like this:

└── generated-orgs/MMS
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/base
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/chaincode
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/configtx.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/connection-profile
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose-explorer.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose-new-peer.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose-new-raft-orderer.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose-orderer-ca.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose-org-ca.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/docker-compose.yaml
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/explorer-config.json
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/fabric-orderer-ca
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/fabric-org-ca
        ├── generated-orgs/MMS/initial-configtx.yaml
        └── generated-orgs/MMS/scripts

You can create as many organizations you want in the similar fashion as mentioned above.


Once organzations have been generated, each organization can be manipulated using the script present inside each organzation folder as shown in the example above for the organization called MMS.