Adding organizations

This is a basic tutorial on setting up 3 organizations, use the following commands:


The commands to add and publish a remote orderer can be run as given in the example below, where <ORDERER_NO> is the orderer number of the organization. Please refer to the Command-Line Section for more details.


./ add-remote-orderer <ORDERER_NO>

./ publish-remote-orderer <ORDERER_NO>

Organization 1

To read all the help regarding commands use: ./ help.

Generate the crypto material for organization 1 and start it.

$ ./ generate-crypto

$ ./ up


Before you bootstrap organization 2 or any of the following organizations there is something you should know. There is only one CA (Certificate Authority) for the orderers of all organizations. Crypto material is generated after the Fabric CA for the orderer of the first organization (organization 1) runs. This crypto material is generated inside the folder fabric-orderer-ca of organization 1 and should be copied to each organization as the orderers of all organizations need this crypto material in order to register and enroll themselves to the Orderer CA so that the required certificates needed to identify the orderer of each organization can be generated. However, every organizaton has its own CA that generates some crypto material stored in the fabric-org-ca. This crypto material is used to generate the MSP of each organization. Peers, users and admins of each organization can register and enroll themselves to the running Organization CA that generates certificates for them. Since each organization has its own CA, so fabric-org-ca folder is present inside each organization at the time it is created.

Copy the fabric-orderer-ca folder from the root of Organization 1 to the root of Organization 2 and Organization 3 . Once the crypto material for the orderer certificates is placed as required run following commands.

Organization 2

$ / generate-crypto

The above command generates 2 important files for bootstrapping (1) A json file i.e. ./channel-artifacts/Org2.json that contains the Org2 MSP certificates required to join this Org to any channel at any time (2) A crt file i.e. ./channel-artifacts/orderer10.crt that contains public certificates of Org2’s base orderer required to add this base orderer into system channel to bootstrap As a next step copy the ./channel-artifacts/orderer10.crt into channel-artifacts folder of Org1 so that it can bootstrap Org2’s base orderer in system channel

$ ./ add-remote-orderer 10

Since we are bootstrapping Organization 2’s base orderer it is 10, it should be 20 for organization 3 and so on.. As a result of this command for base orderer 10 a genesis file will be generated in channel-artifacts folder i.e. ./channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb of organization 1 This generates a genesis file would have been generated in ./channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb copy this file to ./Org2/channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb.

Next step: Copy the channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb of organization 1 into channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb of the organization 2.

Then run the following command to start the containers:

$ ./ up

After the containers of organization 2 are up, publish it’s orderer details by running the following command:

$ ./ publish-remote-orderer 10

The above command ensures that the base orderer of organization 2 is published and now peers can contact this as an active orderer in the network. This command must be run after the containers of organization 2 are up and running.

Organization 3

$ ./ generate-crypto

This command generates 2 important files for bootstrapping (1) A json file i.e. ./channel-artifacts/Org3.json that contains the Org3 MSP certificates required to join this Org to any channel at any time (2) A crt file i.e. ./channel-artifacts/orderer20.crt that contains public certificates of Org3’s base orderer required to add this base orderer into system channel to bootstrap As a next step copy the ./channel-artifacts/orderer20.crt into channel-artifacts folder of Org2 so that it can bootstrap Org3’s base orderer in system channel

To Bootstrap Org3 from Org2:

$ ./ add-remote-orderer 20

In above command 20 refers to orderer number. Since we are bootstrapping Org3’s base orderer it is 20, it should be 30 for Org4 and so on.. As a result of this command for base orderer20, a genesis file will be generated in channel-artifacts folder i.e. channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb

Next step: Copy the channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb into channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb of the Org3

In the above step, a genesis file would have been generated in Org2/channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb copy this file to Org3/channel-artifacts/orderer_genesis.pb and then run the following command to start the containers

$ ./ up

After the containers of Org3 are up, publish it’s orderer details by running the command in the following step:

$ ./ publish-remote-orderer 20

The above command ensures that the base orderer of Org3 is published and now peers can contact this as an active orderer in the network. This command must be run after the containers of Org3 are up and running.


You can follow the steps given above in this tutorial in the similar way to set up upto N organizations.